martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Tips for connect with your client in a meeting

In the checkout process, your client is influenced by variety of reasons. You have the change to  argue that your product (or service) is right for them. One of the last decisions after having sought information, heard other opinions, find their identity with the product, or remember some experiences ... Make very important  the contact with your company and the treatment you and your company give to them.
Don’ t forget, that Customer service should always be excellent.
So if you have a meeting with your client is important that you have some tips in mind.

  •  BE optimistic.

Your image should reflect calmly, purchase motivation ability and good energy.
Keep good posture, back straight, smile. If you want do an exercise that I usually do: Think of something you like before the appointment, just need two minutes. I hear my favorite song.

  • Do not look in the eyes aggressively. 

Look between 60 and 70%. And it is better if you look between the eyes and not directly, or alternately .
It is not advisable to look at the mouth.

  •  Do not prove that you are nervous. Relax!

If you get nervous, do not touch your nose or behind the ear, or try to think back to the conversation on which you feel good. Touching your nose is a symbol that you could be lying.
  •  Listen

Listen attentively to your customer, moves your head to show that you listen, you can also smile ( not always).  Answer their questions directly. It’ s better a simple answer,  that a long one and the client does not understand anything.
  •  Builds a honest relation ship

Be honest, honesty guarantees a long-term connection with your client. Also, do not underestimate your client. Today customers are looking for information before buying. 

Watch the video about it>> here
To know how undertand more man mind (advice for finance companies, car .. )>> here 

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

How be a good entrepreneur?

How be better entrepreneur?

The idea of entrepreneur was change a lot lately.  Today is not anymore the controller and authoritarian person that was. But What you need for be an a good entrepreneur? Well, it is not a exclusive profile or an perfect way to be.  But We know that some characteristics are important in a entrepreneur.

  1. Passion and purpose. Passion is an essential component  for you that guides other behaviors. Do what you do for something else then for sales. 
  2. Learning capacity- Mastery. - Successful entrepreneurs recognize that they are always learning and can learn from everyone every day. Not being willing to listen and learn, is refusing many opportunities. You should have the capacity to be better and better. 
  3. Find achieve results and autonomy. - Entrepreneurs are practical people who believe they can control their own destiny and decision makers put into action to achieve goals within a specified period. Also It’ s very important the Determination and courage, because The entrepreneur must anticipate difficulties, and be able to identify when something is wrong to correct it.

This three ones is one my list for team work and you like a leader. This ones are essentials for start your idea. But are some other characteristics important for you.

  • Creativity and Innovation-Creativity is an important process by which ideas are generated, developed and transformed into value added. It is not necessary to invent what is already invented, but if you need to identify new opportunities to do things and ensure differentiation.
  • Persistence. – Don’ t lost your motivation with the first step. Try once and giving up is not enough.
  • Sense of opportunity. - The entrepreneur identifies needs, problems and trends of people living around and trying to conceive satisfaction or solution alternatives as appropriate.
  • Teamwork. - The leadership of the entrepreneur seeks to unify ideas and build consensus to the problems is presented by the group of people involved in the venture work in harmony. You should recognize your team as a part of you inimitable resources.
  • Esteem and charisma. – You should be optimistic and secure. You need to have confidence in yourself and in your skills and abilities. With the networking charisma is very important to get the attention of your followers.
  • Assertiveness. - No beating around the bush and get to the point doing what you thinks,  feels or you wants without hurting others is a basic feature in order to achieve the objectives.
  • Organization. - Establish a schedule of activities that is programmed with the ability to receive permanent adjustments.

Others capacities are important too, but this ones are the most recognizable.

Your business is totally connected to you, so any idea or new project is going to work if you don’ t believe it. You need to listen new ideas and what really your customer need. Marketing doesn’t create needs, marketing searches and displays your customer that you have what They needs. Like I said innovation is important and also creativity but you should be capable to change your mind. How you can change your mind?

I know that you probably have your way to manager your business, and probably you think that is difficult to change your mind to think different, to find original things. Well, I can’ t lie to you. It’ s difficult.  Human like stability because is more easy, because it’ s less risk,…and everything is on control when you are use to it. You have to keep in mind that with the constant growth of businesses, originality and creativity must be constant. I don’t  mean that you should be a box of originality, you can also listen to your team. But trust new ideas.

How change habits ? >>Here
                                                            Learn about management-  Go here>>

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Interpreting your client

PART1. Interpreting your client
Empathy - new strategy

This is a big topic, and I will talk about it again and again until you could understand. I want to be sure that you can understand what is happening with your client. Today, You could have more information about customer because networking make easy to read and interpret statistics.

The rules of relationship between your and your client start with the basic relationship. This rules will help your in all kind of relations.

Your client is one of the biggest group of the society, so your capacity to growth is endless. Human needs start on physiologic need, as said Maslow But is more then that. Humanity is an constant  research for creativity pleasure, love… And with the  new busy life style, We lose the opportunity to use our human nature.

Talking about the latest promotions and new marketing techniques, most use an honesty system to promote their companies. Looking to be close to the customer. Looking for  empathy. Yes! Empathy! What We can said the feeling that make you feel what other feels. “ ponerte en los zapatos de otro”how We said in Spain. 

One experiment in Princeton University determinate that, We don’ t have empathy because We don’ t have time. Look at this!  They decide give a task to some students : A discussion of the Good Samaritan. They will have a  short period of time to make it, and they should go to the other class, a crossing the campus. Well there was an actor, doing like He need help. What happened was, that only 24 of 40 student tried to help him. The other ones went to the meeting ready to talk about it. What happened? They wasn’ t  care ? No, if you go fast your brain doesn’t reaction. We need a couple seconds to have a reaction and at list 8 second to have some emotions like justice.  But not just that, Humans like to be together, to be part of something and for that We need empathy. Groups are groups, when they are looking for the same objective. Also We need contact. And what is happening today? Probably you don’t use to have any contact with your employers , even friends. But the wonderful thing is that, Doctor Harlow demonstrate that We are only healthy if our protection and affect are attended. 

The less friendly birds have the smallest brain. Humans are beings who need to relate, speak and communicate constantly. Therefore 20% of energy we produce goes to our brain. This is explained by the complexity of our social lives. Friends, family, gossip, work ... According to the Dunbar number We have  150 friends which of 5-12 are close to us. Also this circle is important to keep and affects us happiness.

It important to understand the complexity of the human mind. You  need to connect with your customer with a close approach. Companies more dynamic , and with more communication skill are more likely to increase sales each month.

  • Empathise with your client
  • Shows a personal and close
  • Not only hear, listen! 
  • Make your customer feel part of your company, and your idea.

Next day I will talk about Why use empathy to catch your client and some tips.

Don' t forget to follow me ! Thanks!

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

How start your goals?

Goal- goal is a desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlinessaid Wikipedia.

You, me and your customers need goals all the time. When  you are born even in the simplest things all of us are use to it to set goals. Our parents and school teach us that if we get good grades You will get something or maybe You will go on vacation, ... at work you will get benefits if we reach the goals. As consumers when  you have a need, your goal is to satisfy and often becomes a search process to find out how. Now, You as an entrepreneur you must know the importance of goals. Also, I will write about " goals" in the different fields of a company, but first you must understand. 

(1) When you set a goal, it is because you hope to get something in return. It's something your teacher, family, etc  said to you when you was a child.  But to make it a goal you should be (2)motivated and  have clear about what the objective is . 
They cease to be targets those who do not have a clear goal, or just haunt our minds without intense search of how to get it. 

Imagine: Is coming summer and you  want to lose weight. Just by thinking about it , and decide one day to eat a salad does not make it a goal. To make it a goal you need  to be concrete and you must feel motivated about it. The same goes for  your company, you want to increase sales, and one day you come to work and work more hours. You Think it's a goal? 

So what is a goal? 

A goal according to the  SMART model must comply with features, ( Remember it! I use for everything, and I will write about different goals for business)- One goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timing. 

, means being clear how and what you want. Who? like? when? where? I mean if you want to raise the sales you can say that you want to increase sales, using a marketing strategy for 3 months in the office. 

means you need a method to measure if you really are getting your goal.  If  is the person losing weight  he will use Kg or L to know how much lost every week . You as an entrepreneur you have different resources for it and one is took in profits. 

One of the hardest parts of a goal is to be attainable,  You need a plan to get it, you can not say: "I do not know how but I'll get it, one day" You need a plan. HOW? And This plan also must be realistic. I mean you can not expect to lose 5 kilos in a week or increase customers doubled in a single month. 

And finally, every goal must have a time duration. Also  I will talk about the time duration , as it can affect your  motivation and it is important to set goals for the short and long term. 

So know you can start making goals, get a paper and write all your plan, that way will be more easy to be organized and motivated to get it.