miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

The five Dimensions (Hofstede)

How to know if you should hired one person of other . This can be allied to the culture, life...etc
so think now about your culture, they normally share or normally is more individual? So how that can affect to your business? This dimension is important because imagine that your are trying to motivate a group  a people from France? Maybe if they are individual you need to be focus in a plan for motivate the individuality plan

Individual -------------- Social Orientation ---------------Collective
Respect ---------------- Power Orientation   --------------- Tolerance ( innequality)
Accepting ------------- Uncertainty Orientation-----------Avoiding *
Agressive-------------- Goal orientation ----------------------Passive*2
Long term-------------- Time orientation----------------------Short Term

*Some influence can be controllable  or some not, like the weather, how can affect to your business and depends some culture can avoid or not . Accepting, normally are more creative but less strict. 
*2 -What is more important work or the group and the family?

Now your know more about how to work in other country and start you international business, We are not all the same , and for that reason People make business better! 

What happend if you understand the culture or misunderstand? What do you think?

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